Lecture Series:

From dynamic signaling to personalized disease models

Wednesday, 29.01.2025 · 16:00
MDC and online

Speaker: Jana Wolf (MDC)

Cells as living systems respond to many environmental clues in a highly characteristic way. The processing and response to external signals is shaped by intra- and intercellular networks of proteins, genes and metabolites which form large and highly regulated networks. These account for dynamic responses that are often non-linear, cover different time scales and result in specific cell fate decisions. Diseases such as cancer are characterized by perturbation of multiple nodes of these networks, e.g. by mutations, leading to changes in dynamic characteristics and levels of important players calling for an understanding of perturbation effects for the prediction of targeted treatments. In this talk we will introduce and describe signaling networks as dynamical systems, study the link to gene expression levels and the prediction of pharmacological inhibitors.


MDC-BIMSB, Hannoversche Str. 28, 10115 Berlin, Conference room, Ground floor

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