Spring School:

HEIBRiDS Spring School 2022

Tuesday, 29.03. - Thursday, 31.03.2022 · 09:00

Tuesday, March 29 & Wednesday, March 30, 9am - 1pm

Introduction to Quantum Computing

OBJECTIVES - This short course provides a theoretical introduction to quantum computation.  By the end of the course students will be able to understand basics of quantum mechanics, quantum logic/computation, and important quantum-algorithms.



  • (Just) enough quantum mechanics to understand quantum computation
  • Quantum algorithms
  • Simon's algorithm
  • Cracking ciphers in poly time on o QC


TRAINER - Jean-Pierre Seifert, TU-Berlin

Thursday, March 31, 9am - 4pm

Data Science Career Outside Academia

While pursuing a PhD, researchers often opt for careers in higher education. However, the “normal case” is that most PhDs are enjoying successful careers in a broad range of organizations beyond academia. Especially for data scientists there is bright future with many exciting career paths. However, many options can create option paralysis… so professional career development strategies will help job hunters to succeed.

This course is aimed at PhD researchers considering careers outside universities or academic institutions. It will still be useful, however, for those considering postgraduate research and who are interested in their long-term career options.


OBJECTIVES – To provide Ph.D. students at HEIBRiDS with an opportunity to build their understanding, skills and confidence in finding their career path, (in- or) outside academia.


PROCESS – One day synchronous live workshop will be framed by asynchronous learning via a digital learning platform. In addition, 1 hour individual coaching for the first cohort is offered (Coach: Dr. habil. Alexander Schiller)


TOPICS – Introspection: What do I want? ▪ My strengths, interests and values ▪ My individual career development plan ▪ Management the project CAREER ▪ Career options for scientists ▪ Mentoring ▪ Job applications ▪ CV and cover letter ▪ Performance in job interviews


TRAINER Alexander Schiller, Schiller & Mertens