Lecture Series:

Reproducible Research: Responding to 6W and 1H questions of Data Provenance

Wednesday, 05.01.2022 · 16:00

Speaker: Sheeba Samuel, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Scientific experiments play an increasingly important role in coming up with new findings and extending the world's 
knowledge. The increasing magnitude of data produced in the experiments and understanding how the results are 
derived presents several challenges, one of which is ensuring reproducibility of results. A key factor to support 
scientific reproducibility is the “Data provenance” information which tells about the origin or history of the data. In 
this talk, we respond to the 6W and 1H questions (What, When, Where, Who, Which, Why, and How) of data 
provenance for reproducible research. This talk brings together the role of provenance, semantic web, and FAIR 
data principles to preserve and represent scientific data for making research reproducible. We show the 
development of computational tools to help scientists capture, represent, manage and visualize the data provenance 
of the scientific experiments to support computational reproducibility.