Lecture Series:

Security aspects in the Internet of Things – think of risks and side-effects in advance!

Wednesday, 08.06.2022 · 16:00
HIDA Office Berlin

Speaker: Jochen Schiller, FU Berlin

The Internet is everywhere and thus also in the tiniest devices forming the Internet of Things. But what happens when it comes to security issues? Why do we face new challenges and expose even life-critical systems to security threats? This presentation will not only introduce the technology, benefits, and challenges, but will also highlight very specific, fundamental issues causing a lot of pain when deploying billions of “things” without thinking of security from the very beginning. Just compare the many update cycles of today’s computers with an embedded device offering very limited or no updating capabilities but with an expected life-time of more than 20 years. How to envisage security issues 20 years from now? The situation is not hopeless, we can do something, but there is a long way to go.