Lecture Series:

The Real-World Data Store, a data product to accelerate evidence generation

Wednesday, 25.05.2022 · 16:00

Speaker: Alexandra Grebe de Barron (Bayer AG)

The digital health revolution causes major disruption in healthcare. It provides an unprecedented ability for realworld monitoring and an enormous potential for patient engagement. But it also challenges the established Pharma R&D business model that urgently requires a transformational change in R&D productivity to reverse the current declining trends in returns on investments in Pharma R&D. Future value is driven by innovation that focuses on outcomes/therapies with a high degree of personalization and is fueled by unlocking the power of data. Therefore, we at Bayer have intensified our work towards transforming our data into knowledge. In order to make data both machine and human readable, to enable downstream processes such as advanced analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, we have set out to follow a decentralized sociotechnical approach in managing and accessing analytical data at scale. Guiding us towards building a flexible operating system in-house are the data mesh and FAIR data principles. The presentation will introduce the early product called Real-World Data (RWD) Store which is a human- and machine-friendly self-service shop to accelerate Real-World Evidence (RWE) generation.

ECDF, Wilhelmstrasse 67, Room 104/105/106