Lecture Series:

There Is No AI Without Data: Industry Experiences on the Data Challenges of AI

Wednesday, 11.05.2022 · 16:00

Speaker: Christoph Gröger, Bosch

Artificial intelligence (AI) constitutes a game-changer across all business sectors. This holds particularly true for industrial enterprises due to the large amounts of data generated across the industrial value chain. However, AI has not delivered on the promises in industry practice, yet. The core business of industrial enterprises is not yet AIenhanced. In fact, data issues constitute the main reasons for the insufficient adoption of AI in practice. This talk addresses these issues and rests on our real-world experiences on the AI enablement of large industrial enterprises. We characterize the current state of AI in industrial enterprises and investigate underlying data challenges: Particularly, we discuss challenges on data management, data democratization as well as data governance and illustrate them with practical examples. Finally, the vision of a data ecosystem for industrial enterprises is presented addressing the data challenges. The talk takes an interdisciplinary perspective on data science in industrial value creation and is based on our recently published research results.